October 2016

3 simple (but not always easy) rules to live by…

Dr. Keni is board-certified by both the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and is a leading expert in many areas of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, including facelift, necklift, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, fat transfer, skin cancer excision, scar revision, […]

3 simple (but not always easy) rules to live by… Read More »

Choose wisely…

Is the universe FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU? In life, you choose, consciously or not, one or the other.  The quality of your life experience depends on your answer to this question. Some people go through life believing every person, situation, and/or circumstance is stacked against them. Others go through life with ease, seeing challenges

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Facelift on a 37 year old???

The benefits from bariatric surgery (think: gastric bypass or gastric band) can be tremendous…  Decreased blood pressure, improvement or eradication of sleep apnea, and decreased risk or cure of obesity complications including diabetes, heart attack and stroke. However, with radical weight loss comes changes in appearance.  Though these are mostly positive changes (e.g., slimmer waistline),

Facelift on a 37 year old??? Read More »

Master Debater…

I saw a report last night on NBC Nightly News about middle schoolers’ concern for the candidates in our upcoming presidential election.  Generally speaking, they believe one candidate mistreats women, bullies, and acts like a child, while the other has been less-than-honest and forthcoming on issues possibly involving national security.  Neither candidate, to them, is ideal,

Master Debater… Read More »

Your tribe…

I got a haircut yesterday!  I was talking to my hairdresser about some of the things I’ve been learning about marketing for a small business like hers and mine.  Although there are some sales-y techniques, more essential is building a solid, trustable brand over time, essentially creating a “tribe” of clients I can service, who love

Your tribe… Read More »

You ugly!

Years of depression, anger, resentment, and inner turmoil can show on your face.   To explain this practically, negative emotions create tension in the muscles which, over time, leads to lines, furrows and other changes.   Although appearances aren’t everything, to continue to age gracefully may require looking within and healing.  (Louise Hay has a fabulous

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What would happen…

Today’s post comes from Seth Godin, prolific author and renowned entrepreneur, who wrote: “What would happen… if we chose to: Get better at setting and honoring deadlines Help one more person, each day Sit in the front row Ask a hard question every time we go to a meeting Give more and take less Learn

What would happen… Read More »

Schedule a Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Keni and his team.

02. Help us understand your unique goals.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

“This place brings me happiness from the moment I walk in the door! The inviting ambience is obviously the first thing I always notice, however the consistent warm vibes I receive from all staff is always comforting.”

- Google Review

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