As we get older our age is clearly visible around the neck and below the jawline. Excess skin and fat beneath the neck may result from genetics, weight fluctuations, or advanced aging. Loose, hanging skin is often referred to as a “turkey neck” or “turkey waddle” and can significantly affect one’s appearance and self esteem. Necklift surgery, or neck liposuction, is the perfect solution for any patient looking to enhance the appearance of their neckline or face.
Who Is A Candidate For Necklift Surgery?
Healthy men and women seeking to improve the contour of their neck and jawline will be excellent candidates for a necklift with liposuction. Dr. Keni will remove the excess fat and skin from your neck, resulting in a slimmer, more youthful neckline. The surgery tightens the platysma muscle, which separates or sags over time and contributes to an unsightly appearance. The soft tissues below the jawline are elevated and any excess fat or skin beneath the chin is removed. Small incisions are hidden within the hairline and behind the ear. Dr. Jay Keni delivers the most natural looking results while keeping future muscle movement and function in mind.
What Is The Recovery Like From Necklift Surgery?
Necklift surgery is performed with moderate sedation or general anesthesia, depending on a patient’s preference. The procedure is accomplished in an outpatient setting. Most patients return to home after only a few hours. Recovery may last up to one week, at which time patients may return to work and non-strenuous activities.
Mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising are common the first few days after surgery. Most patients feel confident returning to their public and social lives in 10-14 days. Dr. Jay Keni reduces bruising and recovery time with the use of homeopathic and herbal options. Detailed postoperative and aftercare instructions will be provided to each patient.