
Holiday cheer!

Next week is the last week I would recommend having a face/necklift before the holidays, in order to ensure healing before Christmas. I say this because a lot of patients tell me they want to look better before seeing family and friends or celebrating the New Year. To schedule a consultation, call 866-574-1986. If you

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Step out of shame…

Or whatever negative emotions you feel on a daily or moment-to-moment basis. It can be done. And when you do it, although you leave the security of your stories and beliefs about the past, you open yourself up to your empowering vision for the future. I follow Mastin Kipp, a contemporary “thought-leader,” best-selling author, and

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To the turkey neck!

I’m grateful that I’m able to help people move on and make strides in life, by helping them feel more confident in how they look. (So many patients have thanked me for taking away their “turkey waddle,” their “turkey gobbler,” their “gobble gobble,” and many other things they’ve called the extra skin under their necks,

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Recovery time…

It’s that time of year when things can get a little hectic. No matter what the hustle or bustle to get shopping done, to visit relatives, cook, etc., let’s remember to be kind to one another– and ourselves. Much like a facelift requires a week of healing, our minds and bodies need daily recovery and reset

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Take a chance!

We hold ourselves back because we fear the worst. In truth, we never REALLY know what will happen if we go for it.  We might actually get that thing or state we want!  This ushers in a new level of growth and challenge. If we are able to link pleasant feelings to uncertainty, there is

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Speak for yourself…

Several years ago, before my practice hit stride, a young (late 20-something, at the time) woman told me “I don’t believe in what you do.”  She was referring to elective facial plastic surgery. Now, I didn’t argue with her, partly because I don’t like to argue but also because I know everyone is entitled to

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How to get centered…

Sometimes we rely on external circumstances to give us confidence. That promotion at work, that speech that went well, and even that facelift that takes 10 years off are all outward experiences that make one more self-assured. While that may be a starting point, eventually we want that confidence to come from within us.  After

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Schedule a Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Keni and his team.

02. Help us understand your unique goals.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

“This place brings me happiness from the moment I walk in the door! The inviting ambience is obviously the first thing I always notice, however the consistent warm vibes I receive from all staff is always comforting.”

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