I should have done more…

I’m performing with my band at a bar in the Chicago ‘burbs this weekend.  I play guitar and sing the first four songs, and then drum for the rest of the set.

(If you’re interested in coming to see us, details are here.)

Over the past week, I started thinking: I should have practiced more to make my performance flawless.  I should have worked out more to look better on stage.  I should have told more people to come, should have done more to market the event, should have… should have… should have…

I was “should-ing” all over myself.

I was living in the past, which I have no power to change.

I get unstuck by reminding myself:

All I can do is my best in THIS moment.  And learn from my mistakes going forward.

That way, all I have to do is show up to the performance!

Have a great weekend!  See you there?!

Spread the ‘Love.

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